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In Search of Merjamaa. 7. Conclusion

The study shows that the neo-Meryan movement is an effective form of unofficial third sector activity, and it is capable of creating and charting out symbolic, cultural and social capital. As such, the movement can contribute to the post-Soviet Russian civil society. Moreover, the study shows that activity like this can create effective bonds between different sectors of society.

Local studies constitute the essential framework of the neo-Meryan movement. However, what distinguishes the movement from more universal forms of local studies is its artistic dimension. Like the chapter 4. 2 of this study shows, ethno-futuristic art exhibitions and design projects aim at presenting “the Meryan nucleus” to the general public. This nucleus is to be found in symbols and archetypes which are a source of symbolic capital for the neoMeryan movement. Nevertheless, in order to become symbolic capital these symbols and archetypes need to be culturally understood. In other words they have to become symbolic commodities which can be distributed to the general public. Here, like the chapter 4. 3 shows, festivals and performances play an important role.

Festivals provide a means of cultural representation. By representation they constitute an interpretation of social memory, and they do this by constructing a view of the Meryan social world. However, this view can not be constructed without like-minded people. Festivals offer a way of gathering together individual people and organisations dealing with the Meryan issue. The question is about social capital.

The neo-Meryan movement is about social capital. In spite of its loose and heterogeneous structure the movement is able to create promising relationships between different actors of the cultural sector. The publishing activity which the chapter 5. 1 deals with stands as an example. The Internet and the local studies blogging it enables make it possible to create an even worldwide interest in Meryans. Moreover, like the chapter 5. 2 shows, the samizdat publishing not only enables the establishment of an alternative cultural sphere, but it also offers a way of cooperation between volunteers and private cultural organisations. The number of articles dealing with places and regions demonstrate that local studies are the most important type of activity for the neo-Meryan movement. Moreover, the chapter 6. 3 of this study shows that the neo-Meryan approach to Merjamaa, The Meryan Land, involves two major thematic categories: the category of history and the one of sanctuaries. As can be seen in the chapters 6. 4. 1, 6. 4. 2 and 6. 4. 3, the language, the towns and the regions of Merjamaa belong to the sphere of history. Especially the toponyms of the area constitute an important form of cultural capital.

However, Meryanness is not only about history. Neither does the neo-Meryan movement solely aim at revitalizing the Meryan past manifested by the ancient Meryan language. The chapters 6. 5. 2 and 6. 5. 3 dealing with sanctuaries mirror neo-Meryan activists` interest in local people. Local people stand for incorporated cultural capital. They transfer the past into the present through their habitus. Legends and beliefs reproduce archetypic local cultural features, and Central Russian villages represent a continuum of Meryanness. While towns and cities stand for the historical, the timebound, villages stand for the eternal. The interest in the local has to do with the question about civil society. Neo-Meryan grassroot activity contributes to the establishment of a society which is founded on the free union of people with similar ideas. However, public response to neo-Meryan activists` ideas is a theme which leaves room for further research. Moreover, local studies as a form of Russian philanthropy definitely offers an interesting topic for future studies.


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To be continued http://www.merjamaa.ru/index/in_search_of_merjamaa_appendices/0-51

The contents http://www.merjamaa.ru/index/in_search_of_merjamaa_aapo_kihlanki/0-43


мерянский Павел Травкин чашечник меря финно-угры чудь весь Merjamaa Меряния финно-угорский субстрат вепсы История Руси меряне суздаль владимир история марийцы мари Ветлуга Ростов Великий ростов новгород Русь экология славяне топонимика кострома КРИВИЧИ русские Язычество камень следовик синий камень камень чашечник сакральные камни этнофутуризм археология мурома Владимиро-Суздальская земля мерянский язык ономастика Ростовская земля балты финны городище Векса озеро Неро краеведение православие священные камни этнография святой источник общество Плёс дьяковцы Ивановская область регионализм культура идентитет искусство плес ингрия антропология россия москва ярославль мифология вологда лингвистика Марий Эл будущее Унжа вятичи Залесье волга поэзия нея галич деревня туризм север мерянский этнофутуризм Древняя Русь шаманизм латвия русский север иваново буй капище Ярославская область Языкознание реконструкция скандинавы средневековье Европа магия Этногенез коми старообрядцы Костромская область христианство